These commercials for veganism were created during the corona crisis, when the meat and dairy industries were intensively promoting their interests in prime time on Swiss television. It has been proven that the coronavirus originated from animal product consumption (she. Tagesanzeiger of 12.4.2020 «Was Tierquälerei mit dem Virus zu tun hat»). This fact strengthens the vegan movement tremendously and this is exactly why the meat and dairy industry advertised and still advertises their interests on Swiss television in prime time before and after the daily news. The commercials broadcast are supposed to convey to viewers that meat and dairy products are healthy foods that every good mother should feed her children, but this has all long been disproven (see books «The China Study» by T. Colin Campbell and «Raus aus der Käsefalle» by Dr. Neal D. Barnard or the film «The Game Changers»). The immeasurable animal suffering that is inflicted on the animals is of course kept quiet. One of these commercials even deliberately takes place only in front of the cheese rack in a shop, so that consumers are no longer even supposed to make the connection between cheese and the cow that only produces milk because she has given birth. Another commercial even has a cow telling people to drink her milk. What decadence, because no cow whose calf was violently stolen after birth would want people to drink her milk, which is naturally meant for her calf!
Fluid Spirit has created the commercials published here to counter the advertising of the meat and dairy industry and did broadcast this on television.
As television advertising is very expensive, we are dependent on donations. If you would like to support this project, we will be happy to receive your donation on our account at Zuger Kantonalbank (Verein Fluid Spirit, 6331 Hünenberg, 6301 Zug, Kto. 80-192-9, IBAN CH22 0078 7007 7171 7410 5), or contact us by mail at: