We are pleased that the Zuger Zeitung has appointed a new counselor on January 5, 2012 to answer questions from readers on the topic of sexuality. We assume that our letter dated July 12, 2011 has had a positive impact on the Zuger Zeitung. We, that is people who would wish to engage in living a healthy sexuality, had at the time written a letter of complaint to the Zuger Zeitung, bemoaning the way pornography was played down in the counseling section of the Zuger Zeitung. We were shocked to see how this counseling lead people in a totally wrong direction and how once more the battle of the genders became apparent in it. The advice which the newly appointed counselor, Eugen Bütler, gives to readers on how to deal with the flood of pornography in today’s society goes more in our direction.
As the Zuger Zeitung did not publish our letter dated July 12, 2011 and did not answer it, we would like to publish our letter in Fluid Spirit.
PDF Brief an Zuger Zeitung betreffend Pornographie vom 12.7.2011