On January 27, 2012 the first of three educational units of the vegetarian-vegan cooking class has taken place in Hünenberg, with 23 out of the 27 people from the education group of Danielle Jolissaint attending. Danielle Jolissaint pointed out, as an introduction to the new cooking class, that a conscious, environmentally friendly and powerful nutrition is a prerequisite so that the body as well as the mind of people can heal. As Hippocrates said (Greek doctor circa 460 B.C. – circa 377 B.C.): “Let your Food be your Medicine, and your Medicine be your Food.“
Since then cooking classes in vegetarian-vegan nutrition are being offered in other locations in Switzerland. It is important to us to impart the knowledge, the practice and the diversity of the vegetarian-vegan art of cooking, because we assume that a vegetarian-vegan nutrition would serve all beings of this world. We would be very pleased if a possibly great number of people would take part in this unique, professional class about vegetarian-vegan nutritional teachings and the preparation of these meals.
The vegetarian-vegan nutrition and cooking class has three educational units. Each evening has a theoretical as well as a practical part. Various dishes are cooked in groups and then eaten together. The last cooking class took place in Münchenbuchsee (BE). Further classes will be offered.
Vegane Cooking Courses:
Dates Vegane Cooking Courses:
Kurs | Daten |
Vegan for the slim line | Friday, 29.01.2021 18.00 – 22.00 o’clock |
Vegan easter | Friday, 19.03.2021 18.00 – 22.00 o’clock |
Vegan for beginners (in german) | date to follow 18.00 – 22.00 o’clock |
Vegan Nutrition for babies and children | Friday, 17.09.2021 18.00 – 22.00 o’clock |
Vegan Christmas baking | Friday, 12.11.2021 18.00 – 22.00 o’clock |
Vegan Christmas dish | Friday, 26.11.2021 18.00 – 22.00 o’clock |
Vegan advanced course | On request |
Im Ausstellungsraum der R-Küchen AG
Rothusstrasse 23
6331 Hünenberg
Schauburg 1
6331 Hünenberg
Die Kurskosten betragen pro Kursabend und Person CHF 120.– inkl. Material. Die Bezahlung erfolgt bar am Kursabend.
Die Teilnehmerzahl des Kochkurses ist auf 16 Personen begrenzt. Der Kurs wird ab 10 Personen durchgeführt. Abmeldungen sind bis vier Wochen vor Beginn kostenlos, zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt einer Abmeldung wird der volle Kursbetrag verrechnet.